Ford Civil provided a turn key ‘one stop shop’ solution to Mirvac developments at the Harold Park development site including infrastructure / service design and construction, bulk and detailed excavation, Trunk Drainage installation, site remediation including onsite treatment and stabilization of heavy metal (lead) and PAH hotspot areas, onsite treatment of PASS and burial below water table in purpose built borrow pit area, construction of borrow pit for burial of asbestos and GSW classified soils, onsite groundwater treatment and discharge as part of the civil and remediation works and construction of capping layer for containment of waste materials.
• Cut to fill remediation excavations over 250,000m3, stockpiling, handling and placement of hazardous waste contaminated materials within engineered onsite containment cells.
• Installation of 2.4m diameter Trunk Drainage system across entire site.
• Service & personnel management to facilitate Trunk Drainage installation between two active building construction sites.
• Design and Construction of engineered capping layer system covering over 100,000m2 area across the site.
• Asbestos removal and site remediation work in accordance with nominated Remediation Action Plan and coordination of works with JBS&G environmental consultants.
• Construction of structural gabion walls with aesthetically appealing architectural gabion facades and intricately detailed bioswale designs.